Cheltenham Festival 2010 

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Special Cheltenham Deal for the Mathematician Service

When the Guardian Newspaper sent an investigative reporter into examine this service instead of some big tipping scam warning the story in the press concluded that The Mathematician.


An Accordian

"Delivered a master class in tactical, value betting throughout the year and a welter of profitable supplementary advice in addition to the recommendations"

To celebrate Cheltenham he is happy to offer new clients their first month of membership at half price.

Guy's service is pretty unique.

He has a reputation for being one of the hardest working tipsters around who prides himself in giving full and detailed explanations behind every bet advised.

As Guy would say.."How will my clients ever learn anything if all they get is the name of a horse?"

Pegging the Mathematician service as a tipster is not even quite correct.

There is so much more to it than that.

Each day clients get long detailed messages covering multiple races each day. These are packed full of stats and information uncovered via Guy's grinding research efforts.

Arguably it will best suit those who can take good information and then think for themselves a bit.

If you do want clear cut tips however he does provide what he calls his Account Bets

He is quite selective with these however. You could quite easily go a week before he finds something he finds is strong enough.

Guy has put a sample message from last years Cheltenham up online.

It is really just intended to give you a bit of a feel for his style of service.

You can take a peek here.

If interested in giving him a go this half price first month offer is worth grabbing while on the table.

Over the month to come we have Cheltenham, the Grand National meeting at Aintree not to mention the start of the flat season at the end of March with the Lincoln meeting.



Guy's site says 7 day no quibble refund period but he has promised us that you are welcome to give his service up to 30 days testing if coming in under the half price Cheltenham deal. Any time within those 30 days you decide it is not for you personally just email him and ask for a refund and he will quickly sort it for you. He is very much a long term good reputation bloke than a quick buck type, so you won't have any troubles there.

Want to take the price now .. here is the link

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