John Smith's Grand National - 5th April 2008 

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    Pipe Dream Comes True as Comply hits Bookies

    Comply or Die won the 2008 running of the John Smith's Grand National and the early gamble proved spot on as the horse returned 7/1 joint-favourite - three points lower than his morning price of 10/1.

    Bookies had been predicting a huge gamble on Cloudy Lane but that failed to materialise and it was the David Pipe-trained runner that the punters wanted to be with and they proved to be spot on as he galloped away to a four-length victory.

    'Comply or Die was by far the worst result in our book but Bewley's Berry holding on for fifth ahead of Cloudy Lane saved our bacon having paid out on the first five home,' said Blue Square spokesman George Primarolo.

    'It was a pretty grim result ante-post as well but the placed horses weren't too bad so it could have been a lot worse.'

    Comply or Die is a 16/1 shot for next year's Grand National with Blue Square.



    Today’s Tote on-course cash turnover was £2,061,385, up £257,150 (14 per cent) on the 2007 figure of £1,804,235.

    Damian Walker, spokesman for the Tote, said: “It’s a record figure for Aintree and the first time we’ve ever gone through the £2 million barrier at the course. We’re delighted and we’ve been up between seven and 14 per cent every day this week.”



    Cloudy drifts as Comply gamble is landed

    COMPLY OR DIE, the best backed horse on the day in the John Smith’s Grand National, was a poor result for the nation’s bookmakers and totesport.

    Totesport spokesman Damian Walker said: “We thought Cloudy Lane was going to be the big gamble, but punters went for Comply Or Die and they have got it dead right.

    “Amazingly, Cloudy Lane would have been a small winner for us on the day and all the money has been for Comply Or Die.

    “Comply Or Die was backed down from 10-1 to 7-1 joint favourite and he had been backed as big as 40-1 ante-post.

    “Over £300million was gambled on the race and we quote Comply Or Die at 14-1 to follow up in next year’s Grand National.”

    2009 Grand National - 14 Comply Or Die, 20 Butler’s Cabin, King Johns Castle, Snowy Morning, 25 Bewleys Berry, Slim Pickings



    John Smith’s Grand National punters were celebrating last night (Sat) as Comply or Die landed a last-gasp gamble.

    The David Pipe trained horse was backed into 7/1 joint favouritism on Britain’s busiest ever day at the bookies.

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    And Ladbrokes was left counting the cost of an enormous old fashion plunge.

    The firm’s spokesman, David Williams, said: “Comply or Die was the best backed horse of the day by a country mile. It was the result we were dreading.

    “Punters up and down the land have taken us to the cleaners.”




    Comply Or Die's brave victory at 7-1 joint-favourite in the John Smith's Grand National was not totally disastrous for Paddy Power, who lost a bit on the world's greatest steeplechase, but it was a marvellous result for punters as the winner was the horse who shortened most in the betting today from 10-1.

    Those lucky punters who backed the winner with Paddy Power received a 10% bonus on all win and each way singles from the world's friendliest bookmaker, while backers who picked out fifth-placed Bewleys Berry at 12-1 were also delighted as they were paid out each-way unlike with other major layers.

    Paddy Power spokesman Paddy Power said: "God's not a bookie after all, but it was a great result for the Pipes and I am delighted to see that they have got a smile on their faces, as have punters who deserve it after the battering that they have taken at Aintree over the last three days. We estimate that the result cost us around £2 million or Euros 2.5 million."

    The gamble on Hedgehunter had Paddy Power very worried, sweating profusely, and would have easily been the worst single result for the Irish bookie had he prevailed.



    The victory of 7-1 joint favourite Comply Or Die in the Grand National has been hailed as a 'National victory' for punters by Coral who face one of the biggest ever payouts in the history of the race.

    "Comply or Die was the second best backed horse on the day behind Cloudy Lane, and bookies now face one of the biggest payouts in Grand National history. The industry took over £150 million on the race itself and most, if not all, will be paid out to winning punters", said Simon Clare, Coral Spokesman.

    "Comply Or Die is only the fifth favourite to win the race in the last thirty years and coincidentally all have started at 7-1. We may have dodged a disaster with the defeat of Cloudy Lane but this has still been a National victory for the punters", added Clare.

    Comply Or Die is quoted at 14-1 by Coral to win the 2009 Grand National.

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